Training and Professional Development

  • 5/3 Register Today: Workplace Email Etiquette

    On average, U.S. employees spend about a quarter their work time sending and receiving emails each day. Leaders, managers, supervisors, and employees know that email can be an effective and necessary way to share information at work but they all reveal that it is email misbehaviors that are giving email a bad name. This email etiquette training course is designed to help participants improve the courtesy, professionalism, and clarity of their email messages. Learn how to apply tried and true best email practices using simple email techniques that will bring your emails from good to great and increase your productivity.

    Instructor: Alexandra "Alexis" Crean
    Date: Thursday, May 3
    Time: 10-12 pm
    Location: Munson Road Training Room

    How to Enroll:
    1. Obtain manager/supervisor approval prior to enrollment
    2. Register for the course thru the Saba Learning Center

    Organizational and Staff Development offers the UConn Health community online and classroom professional development courses now at two locations: UConn Health Farmington and UConn Storrs.   

    For more information, contact: Alexis Crean at x4946