Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • 11/17 One more Day for the Healthy Husky Challenge

    One more Day until the Healthy Husky Challenge is over!! All you have to do is complete 3 of the activities from the list to collect awesome prizes and be entered into a drawing of a $100 Amazon Gift Card!

    Be sure to finish your 3 activities and submit your card to Student Health Services by November 17th.


    • Get a Flu Shot:

      • Flu clinics: 11/15 & 11/16 at the Student Union. Or make an appointment at SHS.

    • Make an appointment with Nutrition or Physical Activity Counseling at SHS

    • Join a yoga session at Counseling and Mental Health (CMHS):

      • Wednesdays 1:30-2:30 or Thursdays 11-12 or 12:15-1:15

    • Visit the Relax Station or Time-Out-Tuesdays/ Pet Therapy at Wellness and Prevention.


    The Healthy Husky Challenge is designed to familiarize you with UConn’s Student Health Services. Student Health Services is comprised of three offices, Student Health, Counseling & Mental Health and Wellness & Prevention.

    Start to become an advocate of your own health by participating in this challenge. Learning to take advantage of heath resources will be important to ensure your well-being during your college career at UConn and beyond.


    More Details

    Help us help you be a Healthy Husky.

    For more information, contact: Student Health Services at