Arts and Entertainment

  • Benton: Ebb and Flow

    Currently On View at the Benton

    Unfiltered: An Exhibition About Water
    This exhibition is organized in collaboration with the departments of Natural Resources and the Environment, Civil and Environmental Engineering and Marine Sciences, Institute of Water Resources; as well as the CLEAR, CT Sea Grant, and CT NEMO Programs at the University of Connecticut, Storrs.  Unfiltered explores water as a universal concern and touches specifically on the themes of: the power of water and the changing landscape, water pollution and biology, water scarcity, climate change, the physical properties of water, and the Connecticut River. The exhibition attempts to place on view works of art which provide visual launching points for discussions about these important water-based issues.  The following artists are included in this exhibition: contemporary artists Diana Barker Price, Will Sillin, Leif Nilsson, Stacy Levy, Ravi Agarwal, Vibha Galhotra, Kate Cordsen, Susan Hoffman Fishman, Jamie Murphy, Michael Singer, Rani Jha, and Atul Bhalla; as well as nineteenth- and early twentieth-century artists: Lionel Feininger, Frederick Judd Waugh, Reginald Marsh, Arthur B. Davies, Gerrit Hondius, Martin Johnson Heade, Fairfield Porter, Maurice Prendergast, Henry Ward Ranger, and Robert Motherwell. 

    This exhibition is on view through December 17, 2017

    University of Connecticut
    School of Fine Arts
    245 Glenbrook Road
    Storrs, CT

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    For more information, contact: The Benton Museum at 860-486-4520