Student Organization Events & Information

  • 10/25 Extended App for Global Goals, Local Leaders Award


    GenUN UConn, the newest university chapter of UNA-USA, is hosting the 1st Annual Global Goals Local Leaders Student Awards here at UConn! This award is offered through UNA-USA and seeks to honors students who have demonstrated a commitment to benefitting their communities by participating and/or launching initiatives that support the overarching sustainability goals of the UN. Students from all schools and colleges within the university who have been or are currently involved in such efforts are encouraged to fill out this application to be recognized as a potential honoree at the UConn UN Day Conference to be held on Saturday, October 28th 2017, which is open to the public. Honorees will also have the opportunity to give a short (1-2 minute) speech about their work at the conference, which will feature a panel of esteemed speakers.

    We encourage you to apply to join this panel of community activists! The deadline to apply is Wednesday, October 25th, at 11:59 P.M. Please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions.

    We look forward to reading your application! 
    For more information, contact: GenUN UConn at