Volunteer Opportunities

  • Apply by 10/25 - Philly Healthcare Alt Break

    Are you interested in healthcare access & education, social justice and responsible policies, as well as meaningful service learning and reflection?  

    If so, spend your spring break with 18 participants learning and serving in the City of Philadelphia, PA!  

    During this week-long alternative break, students will be hosted at a church facility in Philadelphia and will work in the city on a variety of healthcare issues. Participants in past years have worked with all age groups from children to the elderly in order to provide the care or comfort that these individuals need. Groups have prepared and delivered meals to those with health care needs, interacted with children in hospitals, and helped educate the uninsured about the Affordable Care Act. Participants will engage in both direct and indirect service opportunities through this trip.  All majors and backgrounds are welcome to apply!  Apply here!  

    For more information email uconn.co.philly@gmail.com


    Application: http://communityoutreach.uconn.edu/alternative-break-application/

    More Information and a list of other Community Outreach Alternative Breaks: http://communityoutreach.uconn.edu/alt-break-trips/

    For more information, contact: Aziz Sandhu & Jake Naparstek at uconn.co.philly@gmail.com