Arts and Entertainment

  • 10/4 Joseph M. Reynolds Reading and Signing

    Wednesday, Oct. 4 at 5:30 p.m. at Barnes & Noble at UConn, 1 Royce Circle, Storrs, Connecticut

    Joseph M. Reynolds novel, Make Dust Our Paper, follows Carrigan as the millenium New Year approaches and he is craving climax and culmination and instead finds constant ant-climax, lack of definitional consequence for his failures and failing and genius. The novel explores everything from Carrigan's past in the spelling bee as a contemptuous 12-year-old, to his father's death in Ireland years before, to the depth of mystery, violence, and secrecy that he returns to, both existentially and literally, as he becomes 21, and then 22, without proper fanfare or notice.

    Reynolds did his graduate work in Creative Fiction under the tutelage of acclaimed novelist and memoirist Da Chen. He teaches in New England as well as at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland during the summer term. As an udergraduate he was a speechwriter and intern in the U.S. Senate office of the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy.

    For more information, contact: UConn Barnes & Noble at 860-486-8525