On Campus Job Opportunities

  • Four Arrows Facilitator Position Available

    Like working outdoors?  Looking for a leadership opportunity?  If so, there is now the perfect on campus job for you: Four Arrows is now looking to hire new facilitators.  As a facilitator, you will have the opportunity to work closely with groups from all around campus as you guide them through team-building programs designed for their needs.  Furthermore, you would have the chance to hone your leadership skills as a member of the Leadership Office - a branch of Student Activities.  Best of all, you would get to work outdoors as part of a very tightly knit staff.  

    “Being a facilitator has taught me about scheduling and managing time, how to more effectively communicate with people from all walks of life, and how to coordinate with groups of people to achieve a common goal.” - Patrick Purdy, Seasoned Facilitator


    Have questions?  Please email us at fourarrows@uconn.edu, call us at (860)-486-3799, or visit our website.  

    If you would like to apply, you may do so here.

    For more information, contact: Four Arrows at fourarrows.uconn.edu