Special Events

  • 1/16 MLK Day In-Service with Community Outreach

    9:00 am – 12:00pm |  Literacy Kits Creating| Student Union Ballroom

    Community Outreach has teamed up with United Way to offer a MLK Day of Service here on campus. We hope you will join us in helping to engage children in learning by creating United Way Literacy Kits. United Way Literacy Kits deepen children’s reading experience and help them build their libraries at home. Volunteers will be creating arts and crafts to design props, games, or other activities to make reading more interactive and enjoyable for everyone. While creating these kits you will be educated on the importance of the task, and make a meaningful difference in the community.

    Click here to register!

    1:00pm – 3:00pm | Blanket Making for donation| Student Union Ballroom

    Learn about issues of poverty and homelessness while creating a blanket which will be donated to an area homeless shelter. At the beginning of the session participants will learn about homelessness and how local groups are developing a plan to eliminate this social issue. Each participant will help to create no sew fleece blankets.  No prior experience necessary and all materials will be provided.

    Click here to register!

    For more information, contact: Community Outreach Special Projects at uconn.co.initiatives@gmail.com