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  • 10/18 Acclaimed Greek Poet Phoebe Giannisi to Read

    Renowned Greek poet Phoebe Giannisi will offer a reading to the University of Connecticut community on the evening of Tuesday, October 18th. The event – HOMERICA – will consist of dramatic performances of poetry in Greek and English, and will take place at 6PM in the Milton Stern Lounge, Room 217, in the Philip E. Austin Building.

    A 2015-2016 Humanities Fellow at Columbia University, Giannisi is the author of five books of poetry, including Homerica (2009) which was recently translated into English by University of Connecticut FYW instructor, Brian Sneeden. She holds degrees from the University of Lyonn II- Lumière and the National Technical University of Athens, and is an associate professor at the University of Thessaly. She co-edits FRMK, a biannual journal of poetry, poetics, and visual arts.

    New American Writing compares Giannisi’s work to C.P. Cavafy and Jean Rhys describing it as “completely original […] a complete rethinking of the myths. Perhaps it would be more accurate to call Giannisi’s re-tellings ‘re-weavings’ because they alter the fabric of the stories.”

    Brian Sneeden received his MFA in creative writing from the University of Virginia, where he was a Poe/Faulkner Fellow and served as poetry editor of the literary journal Meridian. His poems have appeared in Harvard ReviewTriQuarterlyVirginia Quarterly Review, and numerous other international publications, and have been translated into Greek, Albanian, and Serbian. He is the senior editor of New Poetry in Translation, an international literary journal which will be published bi-annually beginning in January from UConn’s new Literary Translation Program. 

    For more information, contact: Peter Constantine (Director, Literary Translation Program) at