Volunteer Opportunities

  • Looking for Something New?

    Consider joining the new Community Outreach Program, West Ave Afterschool Program. Volunteers will work with children grades K-5 in an after school setting helping with homework and doing fun educational activities. 

    Volunteers are needed weekly throughout the semester for one day a week on either Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday from 3:30-6pm.

    The program takes place at the West Avenue Community Center in Willimantic. The above timeframe includes transportation time, which is provided for free to all volunteers.

    There are leadership opportunities available, as well as opportunities to design the curriculum and activities for the program.

    Please contact Program Director, Emily Napear, with any questions, thoughts, or interest in the program at uconn.co.westave@gmail.com


    For more information, contact: Community Outreach at 860-486-1165