Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • Smoking Policy Update

    The University of Connecticut at the Storrs and Regional Campuses recently adopted a new smoking policy. This policy helps to provide a safe and healthy environment for all of our employees, students, and visitors.

    Consistent with the General Rules of Conduct and Connecticut Laws, this policy prohibits smoking (including, but not limited to, tobacco and e-cigarettes) in all University owned or leased buildings, facilities and vehicles. Additionally, smoking is now banned within 25 feet of all campus buildings. Please note that many buildings, including residence halls, have already had the "25 foot" rule in effect for several years. The new policy expands the rule to all UConn buildings and includes compliance expectations for all members of the UConn community.

    University Planning, Design and Construction (UPDC) has been coordinating the installation of signage outside of building entry ways. Additionally, Facilities Operations & Building Services will be removing and/or relocating ash receptacles where appropriate.

    The full policy, including information on how to address non-compliance, is available at: We ask that managers who supervise employees with limited computer access please post the smoking policy in a common area.

    For more information, contact: Terri Dominguez at (860) 486-0981.