Special Events

  • 9/20 Food Waste Event: The Future of Food

    Sustainable Urbanization: The Future of Food

    Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - Dodd Center, Konover Auditorium, 7-8pm

    John M. Mandyck, co-author of Food Foolish and Chief Sustainability Officer at United Technologies, will give a presentation on sustainable urbanization and the future of food. This is the second of four events in the Fall Food Waste Series.

    The first 120 students in line will receive a free t-shirt commemorating the Food Waste Series! This event is open to the public. Mandyck will be available for a book signing after the presentation.


    To learn more about the Food Waste Series and upcoming events, including a free lunch made entirely of food that would have otherwise been wasted, visit http://collegeambassadors.uconn.edu/2016/09/01/food-waste-2016/

    For more information, contact: College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources at acadprog@uconn.edu