Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 9/14 Humanities Institute/Folger Lib. "Transcribathon"

    You've seen the First Folio, now try and read handwriting from Shakespeare's time!

    We invite you to take part in the Humanities Institute-Folger Library "Transcribathon," to be held Wednesday,  September 14th, 10 am – 4 pm in the Great Hall of the Alumni Center.

     The Transcribathon is an event connected with the Folger Shakespeare Library's Early Modern Manuscripts Online project, which is an effort to transcribe and digitize hand written documents from the Age of Shakespeare. [] Staff from the Folger will be on site to lead the event. Participants will transcribe and encode manuscripts, individually or in small groups. There will be food (lunch and pizza at the end of the day), fun, entertaining manuscripts, transcription sprints, prizes, and an easy-to-use online transcription platform called Dromio. UConn will be working on the seventeenth-century diary of the fascinating Rev. John Ward, who in addition to his church duties was a learned humanist and active in medical and scientific circles. Learn to read the original documents of the English Renaissance, and be a part of history by getting your name on the completed edition. Please join us, and encourage your colleagues. The more the merrier!

    For more information, contact: Brendan Kane at