Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 4/11 UConn Bachelors/MPH Combined Program Info Session


    We are hosting an info session for the new FastTrack Masters in Public Health (MPH) program on Monday April 11th at 6pm in BPB 131(Biology and Physics Building 131).  The FastTrack MPH program allows you to start your graduate coursework as early as your junior year and you can complete both your UConn Bachelors and Masters degree within five years.

    Is MPH FastTrack for you?

    Are you a UConn sophomore, or junior that would like exposure to the emerging field of studying public health?  Are you interested in getting an early start towards your graduate degree, while still being enrolled as an undergraduate?   Are you interested in further studying topics such as health policy,health disparities, environmental health, health promotion, the social determinants of health, or data collection/improving the health of a community?   If the answer is yes, the new Uconn BA/BS-MPH FastTrack program may be the right fit for you.  

    Beginning this fall we are offering a new program that will allow you to complete both your undergraduate and masters degree in as little as five years. The new FastTrack BA/BS- Masters in Public Health (MPH) gives you the opportunity to begin your MPH while completing your undergraduate degree. Students admitted to the FastTrack are expected to take one MPH course in each semester of their junior and senior years while they are enrolled, in addition to their normal course load.  FastTrack courses are offered in Farmington will be synchronously presented on the Storrs campus.through  video conferencing and innovative distance learning technologies.    

    FastTrack students will have opportunity to complete 15-18 credits toward the MPH while still undergraduates, saving approximately 33% of the usual cost of receiving UConn’s MPH degree. . After completing a BA/BS degree, students who have satisfactorily completed FastTrack program requirements will enroll in the UConn Graduate School and complete remaining MPH requirements with other MPH candidates on UConn’s Farmington campus.As a FastTrack student, you will be able to earn the MPH degree by spending one additional year of study after completing your BA/BS degree. The 6 graduate courses you would complete during your junior and senior years (PUBH 5408, 5409, 5403, 5404, 5405 and 5406) will not count toward your undergraduate degree; they are credits earned in addition to your BA/BS credit/course requirements. However, upon your graduation, you will enroll in the UConn Graduate School and begin matriculating toward the MPH program with 18 credits of advanced standing. Then, as an MPH student, you will be expected to complete an additional 30 graduate credits, distributed between electives (8 courses reflecting your particular interests in public health) and program requirements (PUBH 5407 Practicum in Public Health and PUBH 5499-Capstone Project).

    The list of electives you can choose from is broad, ranging from topics of chronic and infectious disease epidemiology and control, to health law, policy and ethics, health disparities, substance abuse prevention, maternal and child health, biostatistics and research methods, health systems research and environmental health. Capstone projects, developed with input from your program advisor, demonstrate your ability to translate theory into evidence-based public health practice.


    If you are interested in applying, please visit our website at education/mph/prospective/fast trackprogram.html.   The application deadline for the program is April 15th, 2016.   If you have any questions or are interested in making an appointment to discuss your options, feel free to contact Manik Ahuja at       


    Manik Ahuja




    Manik Ahuja, PhD, MA

    Department of Community Medicine and Health Care

    UConn Health

    263 Farmington Avenue, MC 6325
    Farmington, CT USA 06030-6325

    Cell: (206) 777-5233

    For more information, contact: Manik Ahuja, Department of Community Medicine at