Special Events

  • 2/25 UConn Education Week: Updates in Education

    TODAY Thursday Feb 25th: Updates in Education
    Thursday we will be tabling in the Student Union where you can learn about the most recent updates in education policy! You can also share your own experiences in education and help empower students in the Hartford Area.
    When: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
    Where: 1st Floor SU

    RSVP Only: Educational Autobiographies Leadership Dinner

    Contact information below to RSVP. 

    Come share how your own experiences in the education system can help shape your understanding of education and achievement.
    When: 6:30 PM
    Where: Women's Center Community Room SU 421

    Presented as part of UConn's Education Week. For more information about Education Week and the events going on during the rest of the week, visit our Facebook Event Page!


    For more information, contact: Julian Rose at julian.rose@uconn.edu