Student Organization Events & Information

  • EWB Ethiopia - Open Leadership Positions

    Engineers Without Borders UConn: Ethiopia Project - We Want You!

    NOTE: You do not need to be an engineer to be part of our group; we need people from all disciplines for this project to be successful!

    EWB's flagship project - implementing an irrigation system in a rural Ethiopian community - is looking for new members who are eager to make a difference in the world.  We recently opened up applications for a variety of positions on our team, including fundraising, public relations, agriculture, health and safety, and quality review.  Descriptions for these positions and applications can be found here.  Applications are due Sunday, February 21st at midnight!  We meet every Tuesday at 7pm in ITE 336, so feel free to come by and meet the team before applying.


    About us:

    Engineers Without Borders is a national non-profit organization that links university students like us to underdeveloped international communities in order to help solve some of the world's most pressing issues.  Started last year, EWB-UConn has a five-year partnership with a rural farming community outside of Woreta, Ethiopia.  The region has an intense three month rainy season followed by nine months of drought conditions, during which agriculture is nearly impossible.  Reliant on crop yields for both sustenance and economic prosperity, the community reached out to us for assistance.  Our first mission is rehabilitating and designing a supplemental irrigation system for the community.  Future projects could include water treatment, solar lighting, educational improvements, and other sustainability projects.

    We are making a tangible impact on people's lives halfway across the world - something that you won't find in many other clubs or classes here at UConn.  Aside from gaining invaluable leadership and technical skills, you have the chance to take what you're learning in the classroom and apply it in the real world.  This is a fantastic opportunity that you can definitely contribute to, and we would love to have you on our team.

    For more information, contact: Ryan Cordier at