Student Organization Events & Information

  • Mortar Board Nomination Deadline Extended

    The Mortar Board Selection Committee is excited to accept nominations for the Spring 2016 Membership Class. Mortar Board is a national honor society recognizing college seniors for their exemplary scholarship, leadership and service. It is committed to both service to the local and global community and educational excellence.


    Students initiated into Mortar Board are asked to uphold the 3 pillars of the organization: scholarship, service, and leadership.  In addition to upholding Mortar Boards values, students are expected to attend monthly meetings and community service projects. 


    The criteria for selection include a minimum GPA of 3.0 or top 35% of the junior class, whichever is higher, and a demonstrated commitment to scholarship, leadership and service.  Nominations for seniors, who meet the criteria aforementioned, will be accepted for the Spring 2016 membership class only. Self-nominations by students are acceptable.


    If the GPA is not known by the nominator, please nominate anyway. The Mortar Board chapter will verify GPAs. We would like a diverse membership class with all schools and colleges represented, if possible.


    For Nominations, please click here to complete the form. If you have any questions or problems with nomination form please contact LaKeya Francis at  We will be accepting nominations until February 20, 2016.



    For more information, contact: LaKeya Francis at