Arts and Entertainment

  • 10/27 Artist Talk by Olu Oguibe At 12:30

    Tuesday, October 27 / 12:30 

    Olu Oguibe will talk about his art, focusing on his most recent works that are included in “The 49th Annual Art Department Faculty Show.”

    Dr. Oguibe is a Professor at the Africana Studies Institute and in the Departments of Art and Art History, where he teaches studio practices and art theory. He studied at the University of Nigeria and the University of London, and he has taught at the School of Oriental and African Studies and Goldsmiths College of the University of London, the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of South Florida 

    Dr. Oguibe has organized art exhibitions for, among other venues, the Tate Gallery of Modern Art, London and the municipal museum of Mexico City. His own art has also been exhibited at the Smithsonian Institution and the Whitney Museum of American Art. He was a senior fellow of the Smithsonian Institution and a resident scholar at the Rockefeller Study and Conference Center in Bellagio, Italy.

    His hobbies include music, architectural and industrial design, and collecting articles of modern design, 19th-century Connecticut mantle clocks and classic British sports cars.


    University of Connecticut
    School of Fine Arts
    245 Glenbrook Road
    Storrs, CT

    Museum hours: Tuesday-Friday 10-4:30 / Saturday-Sunday 1-4:30

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    For more information, contact: The Benton at 860-486-4520