Student Organization Events & Information

  • 10/26 KSA Liberty in North Korea Fundraiser and Meeting

    On October 26 at 7:00 pm, three college-aged volunteers from the non-profit Liberty in North Korea will be coming to the University of Connecticut to talk about the North Korean people. Every year, LiNK sends out college-aged individuals to speak to over 30,000 people across the country to shift the conversation about North Korea from politics back to the people. The Northeast nomads have left their homes in California, Virginia, and the UK to embark on a cross-country road trip to talk about what North Korea really looks like beneath the headlines.

    KSA will help support LiNK by selling T-Shirts in front of the game room from 2:00PM - 5:00PM. All proceeds will be donated to the LiNK foundation.

    And at 7:00PM we will be having a 30-minute multimedia presentation, sharing refugee stories, focusing on what the North Korean people can accomplish despite overwhelming political and social barriers.

    Please come out to support and spread awareness of the North Korean people!

    For more information, contact: UConn KSA at