Student Organization Events & Information

  • Apply for H.O.L.D.U.P.


    The Husky Outreach for Leadership Development, Understanding, and  Pride (HOLDUP!) is a program that creates and develops interactive,  peer-to-peer based workshops around important leadership topics such as  group dynamics, communication, diversity, among many others. We  facilitate our workshop curriculum at high schools throughout  Connecticut in an effort to increase leadership skills in those with  untapped potential.

    As a member of our group, you will learn the importance of leadership development – in yourself, your peers, and your students.You will be  working with an elite group of student leaders who all share the same  passion for the development of high school students. Also as a member of HOLDUP!, you will be in a committee that supports the program’s growth  and success. in these committees, you will learn the “ins and outs” of  workshop development, leadership development, public relations &  marketing, and member retention. 

    For the Spring 2016 semester, HOLDUP! is looking for excellent  student leaders focused on improving and promoting leadership through  their interactions with others and a desire to impact their communities. We are looking for students able and willing to commit at least one  hour a week (one biweekly meeting and one biweekly committee meeting)  and to facilitating workshops at our high school sites (two hours a week for ten weeks) at least once a calendar year.


    Apply here:

    For more information, contact: H.O.L.D.U.P. at