
  • Apply to Climate Conference in Paris

    This year’s Conference of Parties (COP21) climate change summit will be held in Paris, France from November 30th - December 11th.  The event will bring together diplomats, business executives, government leaders, and other delegates from all across the globe to discuss climate action and agree upon universal legislation on how to address climate change.

    The University of Connecticut will be providing funding for a select group of students to travel to Paris from November 30th – December 6th to attend events centered on the conference and experience the historic and beautiful city of Paris.

    The student application requirements and additional information about the trip can be found at the website below.  Applications must be submitted by Friday, October 9th.

    Please contact Kerrin or Brianna at or with any other questions you may have.

    For more information, contact: The Office of Environmental Policy at (860) 486-5773