School, Program, and Course Information

  • 9/3 Course: Genomics of Inherited Metabolic Diseases

    If students are seeking courses in basic genetics and genomics with emphasis on diseases of macro- and micro-nutrient metabolism, the Department of Kinesiology offers a 3 credit seminar course, "Genomics of Inherited Metabolic Diseases" which has open spots for interested graduate and upper-level undergraduate students. The course number is KINS6094-001 (11587). This course introduces fundamentals of gene/genome structure and proteostasis before providing module-based lecture/discussion sessions on disorders of different biochemical pathways. Every disease is presented in the context of Personalized/Precision Medicine advances in the most recent literature. This course is an excellent option for basic and clinical science students. Dr. Lee is the instructor and works with the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory to provide excellent resources for students new to topics in Genomic Medicine. Permission numbers can be requested by emailing Dr. Lee. The seminar is offered Tuesday/Thursday 2:30-3:30 p.m. in TLS 301.


    For more information, contact: Dr. Elaine C. Lee/Kinesiology at