Campus Information

  • Education Dean and Stamford Director Searches

    Announcement from the Provost


    To the University Community:

    I am pleased to announce national searches for two key leaders at UConn, the Dean of the Neag School of Education and the Director of the Stamford Campus. I have appointed committees to advise me about outstanding leaders who can provide executive direction and strategic vision for the School and the Campus.

    Both searches will be conducted this fall, and details about each are provided below. Additional information about the positions, including position descriptions and how to apply or nominate candidates, will be posted on the Provost’s website ( and the Human Resources website ( soon. We anticipate candidates for both searches will visit UConn later this semester. They will meet with various groups and conduct public forums to discuss their approach to leadership. Schedules of the visits and opportunities for you to participate and provide feedback will be announced through the Daily Digest.

    This is an exciting time for UConn, and I welcome your participation in these processes, especially when finalists visit later in the semester!


    Mun Choi
    Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs


    Dean, Neag School of Education

    The Neag School is among the best Schools of Education in the nation, with exceptional programs in Teacher Education and Special Education. The successful candidate for Dean will be a farsighted executive with a deep understanding of education and educational systems, and a sophisticated grasp of how to successfully promote excellence in scholarship, teaching, public service, and outreach. The Dean will guide, support, shape, and articulate an emerging new vision for the School and its role at the state, national, and international levels at a time of exciting growth and change at UConn.

    The advisory search committee will be chaired by John Elliott, Dean of the School of Business. The members of the committee are: 

    • Dorothea Anagnostopoulos (Associate Professor and Executive Director of Teacher Education)
    • Scott Brown (Distinguished Professor, Educational Psychology)
    • Jennifer Bruening (Professor and Department Head, Educational Leadership) 
    • Todd Campbell (Associate Professor, Curriculum & Instruction)
    • Preston Green III (Professor, Educational Leadership and Law)
    • Joe Madaus (Professor, Educational Psychology, and Director, Avery Point campus)
    • Betsy McCoach (Professor, Educational Psychology)
    • Lisa Nesbitt (Administrative Assistant, Educational Leadership)
    • Nate Quesnel (Superintendent of Schools from East Hartford)
    • Renee Roselle (Associate Clinical Professor, Curriculum & Instruction)

    Candidate recruiting will begin immediately, and finalists will be invited for campus interviews in early December. Anne Coyle of Storbeck/Pimentel & Associates will assist us with this search. If you would like to discuss the position or nominate a candidate, please contact Anne at If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the search, please contact Connie Boyd at

    Director, UConn Stamford Campus

    The Stamford campus hosts important professional, graduate, and undergraduate programs, including innovative programs in Digital Media and Design and Financial Risk Management. The success of the campus depends on positive and productive engagement with students, faculty, staff, alumni, campus supporters, and the local community. To lead this important set of activities, we seek a leader with deep executive administrative expertise, excellent communication skills, experience building effective collaborative teams, and clear commitment to excellence so that UConn can continue to fulfill the campus’s commitment to high quality educational and outreach programs. 

    The advisory search committee will be chaired by Suresh Nair, Associate Dean of the School of Business. The members of the committee are: 

    • Phara Baynonne (Director, Stamford Campus Library)
    • Annamaria Csizmadia (Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies)
    • Sandy Goldstein (President, Stamford Downtown Special Services District)
    • Rita Koenig (Director, Counseling Center)
    • Katherine Pancak (Professor in Residence, Finance)
    • William Pizzuto (Director, Waterbury and Torrington regional campuses)
    • Frederick Roden (Associate Professor, English)
    • Shahanara Shahjahan (President, Stamford Student Government  Association)
    • Matthew Worwood (Assistant Professor in Residence, Digital Media and Design)

    The search for a new campus director will begin immediately and we expect to have finalists visit the Storrs and Stamford campuses before the end of the fall semester. For information about the search, or to nominate candidates, please contact Tina Pierce at 860-486-4612 or

    For more information, contact: Connie Boyd at