Health, Wellness, and Safety

  • Free -- CMHS Workshops on Stress Management

    The CMHS Workshops are designed to help students manage the everyday challenges of college life. Workshops are engaging, interactive and typically involve self-assessment and skill development – all within just one hour!  Topics include:

    • Stress Management: Making Stress Your Friend  Offered Mondays & Thursdays 3:00-4:00pm 
    • Perfectionists and Procrastinators United  Offered Wednesdays 3:00-4:00pm

    CMHS Workshops will begin the week of 1/26/15, and will continue throughout the spring semester.  Workshops are held at CMHS, on the 4th floor of Arjona.  All workshops are free!  Call ahead (860-486-4705) or just drop by! 


    Please see our website for more detailed information on our workshops and other services:

    For more information, contact: CMHS at 860-486-4705