Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 2/4 UConn Horticulture Club Meeting

    The Horticulture Club is a plant science oriented group that provides a haven for all students that wish to learn or socialize with other interested students. We discuss interests like horticulture, botany, gardening, mycology, and floral art. Our group will provide opportunities to see gardens, flower shows, and plant lectures for all curious members. Our organization has participated in events like the Cornucopia festival and Hartford Flower Show, and we look forward to expanding our horizons to other events.

     We will meet today at 6:00pm in the Floriculture Building Room 101 to discuss our plans for this semester and to enjoy freshly baked cookies and pizza. All attending students will receive a rose at the end of the meeting as a token of our appreciation.

    For more information, contact: Jacob Ricker at