
  • Healthy Runners Needed for Research Study

     PARTICIPANTS WANTED for a research study to determine if ultrasound imaging provides information as to 
    a runner’s tendon’s vascular function.

     WHO CAN TAKE PART?  Runners of any sex who are 18-45 years old without a current knee injury. To 
    qualify you must have either 1) participated in a running even > 5 km in the previous year OR 2) plan to 
    participant in such an event in the next 6 months and have been training for at least 3 months.

     WHERE & HOW LONG IS THE STUDY? Participants will take part in 2 research visits to the UConn Sports 
    Optimization & Rehabilitation Lab / UConn Institute of Sports Medicine both located on the UConn Storrs 
    campus. The total estimated time commitment for this study is 2 hours.

     WHAT DOES THE STUDY ENTAIL?  In the first visit runners will have their quadriceps and patellar tendon 
    imaged then changes in tendon blood flow will be measured using an infrared light absorption technique. 
    In the second visit runners will have their gait assessed using a state-of-the-art motion capture system. 

    ARE THERE ANY INCENTIVES?  All participants will receive a free Running Gait Analysis and Report to help 
    their running.

     For more information about the study please contact the research group at 

    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Jacob Earp of the Sports Optimization & 
    Rehabilitation Lab and the Department of Kinesiology

    For more information, contact: Dr. Jacob Earp at