Interested in learning German? German language learning is the gateway to our dual degree/double major programs, such as Eurotech (German and Engineering), Eurobiz (German and Business), German and Human Rights, German and Environmental Studies.
The German major or minor can be combined with virtually any other major at UConn, and we offer study abroad options in Germany with stipends and paid internships abroad.
We offer two Elementary German sections, one synchronous online and one in person/hybrid:
GERM 1001-001 Elementary German I - online (available from all UConn campuses): Mo We Fr 4:40PM - 5:30PM and We 5:45PM - 6:35PM (4 Credits)
GERM 1001-002 Elementary German I - in person/hybrid at the Storrs Campus: Mo We Fr 11:15AM - 12:05PM and We 10:10-11:00 (4 Credits)
*If a section is full and no seats are available, contact Prof. Wogenstein ( and we will find a solution.
Want to learn more about our UConn German program? Find more information here.
For more information, contact: Prof. Sebastian Wogenstein at