
  • Respondents Requested: LGBTQ+ Social Media Users

    Dear LGBTQ+ UConn Student,

    You are invited to participate in a Dissertation research study conducted by Katie Baumel, a 4th year PhD student, supervised by Dr. Saras Bellur from the Department of Communication. The purpose of this research study is to examine your social media usage in relation to feelings of LGBTQ+ social connectedness and positive well-being.

    If you agree to be in this study, your part will involve completing a survey about your social media usage, feelings of connectedness to the LGBTQ+ community, feelings about your LGBTQ+ identity, and general well-being, along with demographic questions. This study should take approximately 20-30 minutes of your time. You will not be compensated for your time and you will not be contacted in the future. To participate, you must identify as LGBTQ+ (or questioning), be aged 18-30, and use social media.

    If you wish to participate, you may access the information sheet and complete the online consent form at this link:

    If you have any questions or concerns, please email or IRB Protocol #: X25-0001; IRB Submission # E24-0714-01 

    For more information, contact: Katie Baumel at