The UConn Pre-Medical & Pre-Dental Advising Office is hosting a virtual Chat with Alumni panel focused on applications to medical and dental school on Monday, March 3rd from 7:00pm-8:00pm! The panel will be focused on tips, tricks, best practices, and experiences of alumni related to the application process, and there will be time for an open Q&A session from the participants as well. This is great for any student who is either applying this cycle or thinking of applying in the upcoming years to get another perspective on the application process and how to frame their story and experiences!
The link to join the meeting is here:
Alumni Panelists:
- Noor Taweh - M4 at UConn School of Medicine (MD)
- Murphy Kenny - M1 at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (MD)
- Chloe Lafosse - M1 at Rowan-Virtua School of Medicine (DO)
- Ananya Aggarwal - D1 at UConn School of Dental Medicine (DMD)
- Sophia Gaspard - Incoming D1 at UConn School of Dental Medicine (DMD)
For more information, contact: Pre-Medical & Pre-Dental Advising Office at