Have any books you have already read and want to share?
Love a book so much you want someone else to love it to?
Stop by the drop off book donation boxes located in the Student Union (across the Information Center) and at Husky Village to donate your loved book to Panhellenic's Blind Date with a Book Event! UConn's Panhellenic Council is collecting any type of book to be accepted for this event and eventually be given to it's new owner to be able to be read and appreciated as much as you did reading it! We will be accepting donations from Monday February 24th to Monday March 3rd!
Look at @ucpanhellenic on Instagram for more updates on how to be more involved in this fundraiser! For any questions at questions please email VP Programming Giavanna Scognamiglio uconnpanhelleniccouncil@gmail.com. We can't wait to see all the books you will all share with the community!
For more information, contact: Giavanna Scognamiglio at uconnpanhelleniccouncil@gmail.com