
  • Seeking Participants For a Pedestrian Study

    Road Crossing Behavior Among Students in Rural versus Urban Campus Environments.

          The purpose of this study is to understand how students navigate crosswalks on campus.

          By examining aspects like visual attention, walking speed, and stress responses, we hope to identify ways to enhance pedestrian safety on campuses.

          Your participation can contribute to developing safer crosswalk designs and traffic management strategies to improve campus safety for everyone.

          Participating in this survey will take about 15 minutes of your time.

         To be eligible to participate, you must be at least 18 years old and enrolled at UConn.

    After completing the survey, some participants will be randomly selected to take part in a Phase 2 study if interested. This second phase will involve wearing an eye tracker and smart watch while navigating campus crosswalks, and participants will receive $20 in compensation for their time.

    To participate in the study, please contact or scan the QR code below

    Oluwaseun Olufowobi, Graduate Assistant, Email:

    This research was approved by the UConn IRB Protocol H24-0435

    For more information, contact: John Ivan Civil and Environmental Engineering at