Volunteer Opportunities

  • Volunteer Opportunity: Big Brothers Big Sisters

    Do you like mentoring? Do you want to make a difference? Would structured time in your week help
    with forgetting some of your college stress? Then Big Brothers Big Sisters is the program for you!!

    Big Brothers Big Sisters is a club in which UConn students, the Bigs, are paired with a student from our local communities, our Littles. Within our club you meet with your Little once a week for about 2 hours as we travel to their school during after-school hours. Our club is special as it allows Bigs and Littles to forge a strong bond that has a positive impact on all involved. For just 2 hours a week you can change the life of a child all while helping them reach their goals.

    What makes our program unique is that we are a one-on-one mentoring program that emphasizes developing positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young students.You will work with the same child each week, allowing for a great opportunity to really get to know your Little as the year progresses. You can even stay with the same Little for consecutive semesters if you are able to continue to volunteer! There is an application and interview process. The application will be linked down below.
    If we have sold you already, fill out our application form here:https://bbbs.tfaforms.net/5002425
    Please note our program times (you will need to commit to one site only, once a week):

    Sweeney- Mondays, 2:55-5:00pm
    Putnam- Wednesdays, 2:50-5:20pm
    Windham Center- Thursdays, 2:50-5:10pm

    For more information, contact: Isabela Londono at uconn.co.bbbs@gmail.com