
  • Seeking Chinese International Students for Study

    Seeking Chinese International Students For Daily Interaction Study 


    We are recruiting participants for a 2 PART study exploring the everyday social interaction of university students. You will receive $30 in Amazon gift card upon completion of the study. 


    In this study, you will do: 

    (1) Part 1: Online Questionnaire – After consenting to participate, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire. This questionnaire will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. 

    (2) Part 2: Wear Recorders for 2 Days - You will be asked to wear an audio recorder for 2 day, a weekday and a weekend day. We will schedule lab visits with you and provide you with the materials and information. The recorders are non-invasive (we will provide an armband so you can attach it to your arm) and should not interfere with your daily lives/activities. 


    If you are interested and are 18 years old or above, please check your eligibility via this SCREENING SURVEY. If eligible, you will be directed to Part 1 and will be instructed further. 


    Please email us at if you have any questions, thank you! 


    UConn IRB #H21-0162 

    For more information, contact: Merrisa Lin at 860 486 3515