Volunteer Opportunities

  • 2/22 On-Campus Robotics Volunteering Opportunity

    Looking for a way to give back and gain experience on campus? Join us at the CT FIRST Tech Challenge State Championship on February 22nd at UConn (Ratcliffe Hicks Arena)! Through this opportunity, you can volunteer at the state championship for high school robotics teams!

    We need volunteers for the event (Feb 22nd) and/or setup (Feb 21st). Get free breakfast, lunch, and a volunteer shirt! It’s an all-day commitment with easy online training (videos), and we require little to no experience.

    If you are interested, submit your information through this form and we will reach out with more details! https://forms.gle/5GzZce68X3Cchznh9

    For more information, contact: UConn FIRST at first.uconn@gmail.com