EcoMadness is a month long water and energy saving competition put on by the Office of Environmental Policy and the EcoHusky student group. Buckley, Shippee, Towers, Northwest, East and West - you are competing against one another to see which residence hall can save the most water and energy!
Are you interested in promoting EcoMadness, offering tips on water and energy conservation to your peers, volunteering at EcoMadness outreach events, and being recognized as a student leader? Do you care about water and energy conservation, and the environment? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, please contact us to become an Eco-Captain! You will be recognized as a leader not only among your fellow residents and competitors, but you will be recognized as a leader in the competition!
Let the EcoMadness begin!
For more information, contact: Meredith Hillmon or Brianna Church at or