Join Professor Arnie Dashefsky and the Sociology 2509W Sociology of Anti-Semitism Class on their field trip to Newport's Loeb Visitors Center and Touro Synagogue. Dedicated to religious tolerance. The Loeb Visitors Center exhibitions are a celebration of America's first amendment rights and help us learn how religious freedom and the clear separation of church and state came to be part of American law and culture. The Touro Synagogue is an American treasure, the oldest active synagogue in the US. It is considered an icon of American religious freedom, because of a letter written by George Washington to the Hebrew Congregation at Newport in 1790, which affirmed the principle of religious liberty based on the separation of church and state.
Interested in attending? $15 covers admission, bus, and a boxed lunch!!! Bus leaves Dodd Building parking lot at 12:45 and returns to UConn approximately 6:30pm. Register here:
For more information, contact: Rae Asselin at 860-486-2271