Special Events

  • 10/12 Want to Run in a Local 5K?

    Interested in running a 5K but don't want to travel too far from campus to do it? You're in luck! Join the UConn Running Club at our annual UConn Autumn Invitational 5K on Saturday, October 12 at 1 PM! We'll be hosting it at Mansfield Hollow State Park, which is about 10 minutes away from campus down Route 195 (Storrs Rd). It's a beautiful course- truly like nothing else during the fall season. Whether you're an just doing it for fun or are an experienced runner, it's a great chance to run in a local 5K! Registration is only $25, and is due on 11:59 on Friday, October 11. Sign up at https://forms.gle/iCVdTjo4VYQ5WXAF7!

    For more information, contact: UConn Running Club at huskyrunuc@gmail.com