Volunteer Opportunities

  • 6/29 Parkinson's Wellness Fest

    We are currently recruiting volunteers for our Second Annual Parkinson’s Wellness Fest being held on Saturday June 29th at the Farmington Polo Club in Farmington. The event will be held 11:00 am-3:00 pm. We are looking for volunteers anytime from 9am to 4pm. 

    This is a fun interactive event for Parkinson’s patients and their families with focusing on ways for them to enhance their quality of life by focusing on wellness and other forms of exercises and therapies.  This year’s theme is a “A Carnival of Hope and Joy”. We will have a variety of activities for patients and their families to participate in, such as yoga, dance, tai-chi, art, and fun games. We will have treats like cotton candy and popcorn. The carnival is shaping up to be a fun and exciting event. 

    We need volunteers to help with set-up of stations, assisting patients at the various activities, staffing the various carnival games, assist with registration, and miscellaneous tasks.

     We know your time is valuable, and we would be most appreciative for any time you can donate to our cause. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided at no charge. We would be happy to sign any paperwork you may need to document your volunteer hours if needed. 

    This is a great opportunity to work with the community. Last year’s event was a huge success largely due to the amazing student volunteers. 

    Feel free to share with family and friends who may not only be interested in volunteering, but also attending the event. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions.

    Please Email kmendoza@uchc.edu to sign up. 


    Parkinson’s Wellness Fest | Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center (uconn.edu)

    For more information, contact: Karen Mendoza at kmendoza@uchc.edu