On Campus Job Opportunities

  • 8/25 SASP hiring Academic Mentor

    The Student Athlete Success Program (SASP) is looking for additional graduate/PhD. students to work with student-athletes as Academic Mentors. Each Academic Mentor will be matched with student- athletes for about 6-10 hours per week or more (depending on schedules and need) of general guidance in their studies. The goal is to help student-athletes effectively manage their current coursework, develop their independent learning skills and motivation, all while observing the academic progress of student-athletes over time .

    The Academic Mentors will help student-athletes with things like establishing and meeting class objectives, reading textbooks and articles effectively for comprehension and retention, keeping course materials and notes organized, planning and preparing for project deadlines and exams, and developing skills that expand their range of study techniques (e.g. flashcards, concept maps etc.). Academic Mentors will check in with the SASP Learning Services Staff weekly for feedback on student-athletes’ efforts and progress, and will engage in ongoing evaluation of student development and revision of student-athletes’ academic plans. Our existing tutor program matches tutors with student-athletes on a course-specific basis, so it is not necessary that the Academic Mentors have expertise in any specific course content. However, it would be helpful if they are at least somewhat comfortable engaging in discussions regarding a broad range of general education subjects.

    The ideal candidates will be conscientious, personable graduate students and preferably have some coursework in special education, reading instruction, counseling, psychology, or proficiency in a foreign language. Unwavering commitment to academic integrity and confidentiality is imperative. In addition, experience and comfort working effectively with students and staff from diverse backgrounds is essential. The mentors are paid $19.09 per hour. Hours will be relatively consistent each week but initial scheduling is based on mutual availability of the mentor and student-athlete. Sessions typically take place during late afternoons / evenings and some weekends, so a flexible schedule is desired. Mentors will be required to attend training upon hiring, and have regular meetings with the Learning Services Staff, and attend weekly check in meetings.

    Interested candidates should contact Gabrielle Tyer, Assistant Director of Learning Services at gabrielle.tyer@uconn.edu.

    For more information, contact: Gabrielle Tyer at gabrielle.tyer@uconn.edu