
  • Enrolling Subjects: Kneecap Pain Research

    Payment Amount: Up to $300.00 for completing all parts of the study.

    Study Title: Strength Training Rehabilitation Incorporating Power Exercise for Patients with Patellofemoral Pain

    Purpose: To compare two different types of rehabilitation exercises on self-reported function, hip and knee strength, and squatting form.

    Participant Restrictions: To participate in the study, we are looking for individuals with kneecap pain to be between 18 and 40 years old and have worst kneecap pain greater than 3/10 in the past week. You will not be able to participate in this study if you: 1) had surgery to your low back or lower extremity, 2) suffered another injury (besides the kneecap pain) to the low back or lower extremity in the past 6-months, 3) had a previous injury to your meniscus, 4) had your kneecap dislocate (move out of place and stay out), or 5) have a history of any neurological disease.

    Measurements: You will complete self-reported questionnaires, hip and knee strength, and a single leg squat. You will then be randomly placed into one of two rehabilitation programs, that will target the muscles of your hips, thigh, and core. The rehabilitation program will be three sessions a week for six weeks, completed via telemedicine (WebEx) with a licensed healthcare. You will then complete the same self-reported questionnaires, hip and knee strength, and single leg squat. Additionally, you will be asked to complete self-reported questionnaires and single leg squats remotely at 6-, 12-, 18-, and 24- months after rehabilitation has completed

    This study was approved by the UConn IRB, Protocol #HR22-0038.

    For more information, contact: Sungwan Kim at