Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 4/29 MFA Open Studio - Digital Media and Design

    We are thrilled to be highlighting the work of eleven 1st and 2nd year MFA in Digital Media Design candidates in this spring's MFA open studio. These students have been developing their technical and conceptual work over the past several semesters to build stories across the disciplines offered at DMD: game design, web and interactive media design, motion and animation, 3D animation, film, digital media business strategies, and digital culture.

    Across the variety of their work, there are overlapping and complementing conversations being held in these artists' storytelling.

    A few artists provided brief words on their practices:

    "The world is constantly grieving, and our work documents love and loss in the midst of it."

    "Art is one of the things which remind us of our humanity. A mirror held up in the midst of insanity. The world keeps turning, dreams keep burning. Yet we artists float in the middle, never finished, always learning."

    "As time passes, the familiar forms of media we commonly know are steadily evolving, and these works can be seen as coordinates that demonstrate the changing facets."

    "Our work explores how a digital presence reflects the physical absence."

    We look forward to seeing you at the open studio between 2-5 PM!

    Free, in-person event at Bishop Center in Storrs, Connecticut
    (Merlin D. Bishop Center, 1 Bishop Cir, Storrs)

    Snacks & drinks will be provided.

    Meet Our Graduate Students Here!

    For more information, contact: Maria Farhadi at