
  • Parental Satisfaction with Childcare age 0 to 14.

    Are you a parent to a child between the ages of 0 to 14, live in Connecticut and your child is enrolled in any type of childcare (daycare, family care, recreational, preschool, before/after school, etc.)? If so, we are excited to invite you to participate in a pilot survey designed to gather valuable insights and feedback on Parental Satisfaction with Childcare (UConn IRB Protocol X23-0730). As a parent, your perspective is incredibly valuable, and we believe your input can significantly impact the direction of this research. 

    This survey is a part of the course project for EPSY 5621: Construction of Evaluation Instruments and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Your participation is voluntary and completely anonymous. It is also crucial in ensuring the success of this project. Your insight will help to refine this instrument and revise it for future use in parental satisfaction research.


    For more information, contact: Urszla Nita at