Volunteer Opportunities

  • 5/1 Moving Out - Don't Dump It, Donate It

    From 2009-2019, Give and Go was an initiative hosted by Community Outreach intended to divert waste from landfills by providing students moving out with an easy and accessible way to donate the items they no longer need rather than throwing them out. 

    This year, the program is being revived, with donations being collected from May 1st to 4th! Donation drop-off locations will be dispersed throughout campus, and volunteers will be recruited to assist in transporting and sorting donations. Community organizations from across the region have been invited to identify their donation needs and direct recovered items to populations who can give them new life! 

    Join us in promoting a more sustainable UConn! Click here to learn more, sign up to volunteer, and follow @uconnoutreach and @uconnos on Instagram to stay updated with all things Give and Go! Volunteers will assist with donation collection, sorting, and related tasks!

    If you have questions, please email Sydney at uconn.co.giveandgo@gmail.com

    For more information, contact: Sydney at uconn.co.giveandgo@gmail.com