Campus Information

  • Voter Registration Information

    The Voter Registration Provision in the Higher Education Act requires that institutions make an effort to distribute voter registration forms and make such forms widely available to students in election years such as 2014. 


    This is an effort to enable eligible students to exercise their right to vote.  This year online voter registration is available to anyone who has a Connecticut drivers’ license or other DMV-issued ID. You can register to vote online at:


    The deadline to register to vote using the online system or by mail is October 21.  If you miss that deadline you can visit the office of the Registrar of Voters and you can register in person up until October 28.


    To obtain information on frequently asked questions please visit:|


    Election Day will be Tuesday, November 4. 


    This information can also be found at:

    For more information, contact: Lauren DiGrazia at (860) 486-3331