Special Events

  • 4/2 12th Week - Speaker Cindy Miller

    🗓️ **April 2nd: Dr. Cindy Miller at 6pm**

    🎙️ Topic: “Addressing barriers to quality, inclusive health and health care for persons with disabilities: Building the workforce capacity for systems change”

    Bio: Dr. Cindy Miller is a physician, educator, and advocate for access to health care for persons with disabilities. After completing her medical education at George Washington University and completing post-graduate training at GW and its affiliated hospitals, she practiced pediatric radiology at Duke University Medical Center before being recruited to Yale as Section Chief of Pediatric Radiology. The second half of her career at Yale was marked by a switch to thoracic radiology and by her becoming involved in developing and implementing curriculum on disability and chronic disease. She continues to teach medical students and recently has begun teaching residents in primary care medicine about this important topic.

    After retiring from Yale in 2018, she pursued an MSW with a concentration in Community Practice for Social Change. This led to her recognition of the power of advocacy. Following an introduction to the Secretary of the Citizens’ Coalition for Equal Access, she has become passionate about the Coalition’s work to ensure that medical facilities are equipped with all that is necessary to enable those with physical disabilities to receive a complete physical exam and has testified before the State legislature regarding this on 2 separate occasions.

    Join here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MGIxNDFmNWMtZWEzMC00MTJkLTk2NjQtMTExNzA3YTY2ZmU2%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225c82d83a-818a-4c16-b540-ded2344a7ad3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e44b7ee9-5d93-457c-a1c2-49ef27740214%22%7d




    For more information, contact: Narayani Ballambat at ballambat@uchc.edu