Special Events

  • 4/4 12th Week - Speakers Brooke Kline & Rona Rohbar

    **April 4th: Brooke Kline and Rona Rohbar at 6pm**
     Topic: Complex Disparities: Fundamental Issues in Refugee & Immigrant Health


    Brooke’s Bio:
    Brooke Kline is the Director of Operations for IRIS, overseeing training and compliance, monitoring and evaluation, program support services and human resources Brooke has nearly two decades of experience in the field of International Affairs, beginning her career as a Student Attorney in the Immigration Law and Policy Clinic at the University of Denver and, most recently, as Health Policy & Management Consultant at the Stillman Law Firm. She has lived and worked in Italy, India, Pakistan, South Sudan, Somalia, Myanmar, Sierra Leone, and Ethiopia. Brooke’s experience in these countries include working as a Law Clerk for the U.S. Department of Justice (Criminal Division – Office of Int’l Affairs), as an International Operations Manager for Motorearth, and as an Emergency Field Coordinator for Doctors Without Borders. She received her B.A. in Justice & Public Affairs from American University, her J.D from the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, and holds several medical certificates

    Rona’s Bio: Originally from Afghanistan, Rona Rohbar immigrated to the United States with her family, and was resettled by IRIS in 2002. She is a dedicated health care advocate with 8 years of experience, driven by a passion for improving health outcomes. Currently, as the Health Department Manager at IRIS in New Haven, she serves as a cultural liaison, ensuring that refugees and Special Immigrant Visa holders receive comprehensive health care upon arrival. Rona is fluent in Pashto, Dari, Urdu, and English.

    Join here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NGZkMmViMDAtNGZiNC00NGM1LTljYzUtMGMzMWM1MDFhYmQy%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225c82d83a-818a-4c16-b540-ded2344a7ad3%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22e44b7ee9-5d93-457c-a1c2-49ef27740214%22%7d

    For more information, contact: Narayani Ballambat at ballambat@uchc.edu