Academic and Scholarly Events

  • MCB Undergrad Symposium Accepting Submissions

    Submissions are now being accepted for the 2024 Undergraduate Research Symposium in Molecular and Cell Biology.

    Graduating senior MCB or Biophysics majors are encouraged to present their research project as a short 15 minute talk. Graduating Biology majors whose project is supervised by a MCB faculty member are also invited to present their work.

    If you would like to participate, please e-mail the following information by Friday, March 29
    to with
    MCB Research Colloquium in the subject line.

    Student Name:
    Thesis/presentation Title:
    Thesis Research Adviser:
    Honors Adviser (if applicable):
    Short bio and current research interests:
    Availability: **Please provide time slots during which you have classes or labs that would conflict with your ability to participate. Even if you have no conflicts, please indicate this**

    The top three MCB presentations will be selected for participation in the All-Biology Symposium and will be eligible for multiple awards.

    The MCB Symposium will be held in two sessions. Session I, 4/9/2024 3:30 - 5:30 pm and Session II , 4/12 12:20 -2:00 pm.

    For more information, contact: Maria Acosta at