Tier III Student Org Events & Information

  • Prize for Completing DC Survey

    The Daily Campus wants to hear from our undergraduate student population. This survey is intended to learn more about what the student population thinks about our print edition and website. There are several questions to allow the undergraduate student population who pay our fee to provide feedback so The Daily Campus can adapt and change as necessary.

    We only ask you give thoughtful answers and take your time answering each question. We will not collect your emails to your answers, these are anonymous. 

    Your email will only be collected if you wish to enter our raffle for 1 of 5, $15 AMAZON gift cards (only stipulation is you must provide thoughtful detailed answers to be considered for the raffle). This raffle is only open for undergraduate students who pay our fee.

    *the survey is open to any individual who wishes to provide feedback to The Daily Campus, but emphasis is placed on the population that pays our fee.


    Open until: February 29 at 11:59PM

    For more information, contact: Business Manager at businessmanager@dailycampus.com