Academic and Scholarly Events

  • 2/22 Sicilian Puppet Theater Forum

    In The Sicilian Puppet Theater of Agrippino Manteo (1884-1947): The Paladins of France in America, Dr. Jo Ann Cavallo of Columbia University will discuss her recently published book The Sicilian Puppet Theater of Agrippino Manteo, the first-ever study of the vibrant popular spectacle of the Manteo family’s puppet theater in New York City in the 1920s and 30s, including founder Agrippino Manteo’s new-world presentation of original Paladini di Francia scripts from his mentors in Sicily. Co-sponsored by the University of Connecticut Italian Literary and Cultural Studies Program and the Connecticut Italian Teachers Association.

    Admission to this event is free (donations greatly appreciated!), and refreshments will be served. This forum will also be broadcast via Ballard Institute Facebook Live ( For more information, visit:

    For more information, contact: Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry at 860.486.8580 or