
  • Seeking Participants for Resistance Training Study

    PARTICIPANTS WANTED for a research study to determine the effects of resistance training workouts with different loads on the portion of the quadriceps muscle that is trained. 

    WHO CAN TAKE PART?  People of any gender who are 18-40 years old, regularly resistance train, and have no limitations to performing heavy back squats. Additionally, you must have <1.5 cm skin fold thickness over their quadriceps.

    WHAT DOES THE STUDY ENTAIL?  Four study visits each lasting ~1 hour. In the first visit, you’ll perform a one repetition maximum (1RM) test for the back squat exercise and have ultrasound images taken of your muscles. Then during each of the subsequent visits, you’ll perform a squat workout with a different load while we measure muscle activity along the length of your quadriceps muscle using near-infrared spectroscopy and ultrasound. 

    WHERE DOES THE STUDY TAKE PLACE? UConn’s Gampel Pavilion in the Human Performance Laboratories

    ARE THERE ANY INCENTIVES?  All participants will receive a $25 pre-loaded credit card.

    For more information about the study please contact the research group at

    This research is conducted under the direction of Dr. Jacob Earp of the Sports Optimization & Rehabilitation Lab and the Department of Kinesiology.

    For more information, contact: Hannah Rae at